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Event Series Event Series: Setkání feministek* Pangea (EN)

Setkání feministek* Pangea (EN)

20 května | 20:00 22:00

Tired of patriarchy, racism, misogyny, homophobia, capitalism and heteronormativity? Join Pangea! Pangea is a queer feminist non-profit organisation in Prague and our meetings take place every two weeks at LGBT+ Community Centre, Železná 18. 

We also meet up outside of these times for demonstrations, fundraisers, parties, events, and workshops. We also have a writing group which you can join and perform at our shows which can take place for example at the Prague Pride festival every summer. 

You can also follow information and events on our Instagram: @pangea_prague

Železná 492/18
Praha 1, 110 00 Czech Republic
+ Google Mapa