About Community Centre

LGBT+ Community Centre

Železná 18, Prague

The LGBT+ Community Centre is a space where everyone can spend their free time, regardless of age, orientation, or identity. You can come to us even if you’re not feeling well. Make an appointment for individual counselling or visit one of our support groups.

What you can find with us

Multifunctional space

Debates, screenings, workshops and meetings of all kinds. Up to 40 seats available, screen, projector or flip chart, and a snack bar.


Make-up corner, table football, board games, library, television, fatboy and children’s corner. Come and sit with us, play a game or just hang out with your buddies. We can fit 10 or 15 of you.

Queer Library

You can take home one book for a month. Books are always checked out and returned on Thursdays between 3:00 and 9:00 p.m. Find a book either on-site or by filling out a form.

Gallery for you

For exhibitions at the Community Centre, we are looking for authors who would like to exhibit their work. Fill out the form and we will contact you about the details.

Partners of the LGBT+ Community Centre

Team and contact


+420 777 203 731

(phone number is only available during open Thursdays between 3:00 PM and 9:00 AM)


Oldřich Kundera



Veronika Dočkalová

Programme Manager


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